God of War Ragnarok: Walkthrough with Tips

Boss fight against Bjorn the bear.

Our God of War Ragnarök walkthrough gives you tips on Kratos and Atreus’ epic journey through the world of Norse mythology. After the events of the predecessor 2018, the Fimbulwinter begins. In mythology, this initiates the end of the gods – Ragnarök. This is exactly where the PS5 adventure starts. Kratos and Atreus are on familiar, homely soil. Both heroes are on the hunt and go home by dog ​​sled. In this solution, we focus on avoiding blatant spoilers – if possible. On top of that, it is recommended to have played God of War 2018 to follow the story. Anyone who skipped the adventure can use the rough story recap in the menu. If you want to discover the adventure without a walkthrough, you can use our God of War Ragnarok beginner tips for a possible entry aid.

God of War Ragnarok Walkthrough – The Journey Begins
