GTA 5 with a real engine: With this desk modification, the monitor almost flies away

With Teeneneggr's construction, you'll soon be feeling your bike's engine in GTA 5.

With Teeneneggr's construction, you'll soon be feeling your bike's engine in GTA 5.

With Teeneneggr’s construction, you’ll soon be feeling your bike’s engine in GTA 5.

Imagine you are sitting comfortably in front of your screen and tearing through the streets of Los Santos with your motorcycle in GTA 5. It’s actually quite a nice idea, but does it really feel like riding a motorcycle? Probably not. A YouTube channel has now embraced this, however, creating what should be called a more “immersive” in-game racing experience.

The desk with haptic feedback

The channel from teenage has found how unrealistic and tedious it is to simply push a few buttons to gamble as you dash through the streets. To make it all a bit more realistic, the tinkerers simply upgraded their desk with a real motor, but see for yourself:

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You can definitely no longer claim that you can’t hear and feel the purring of the engine. The monitor and keyboard also vibrate happily. Even the neighbors will certainly benefit from it, probably even the whole house. But sacrifices have to be made for an experience like this.

More wild projects

By the way, in order to implement their projects, Teeneneggr use e.g Arduino. This is an electronic open source platform for both hardware and software, which is intended to offer a particularly easy start. Arduino provides boards, among other things, to which users can then connect hydraulic cylinders or similar, for example, and also program them themselves. So the engine reacts accordingly to the actions in the game.

By the way, this is not the only absurd project of the channel. The inventors behind the channel have already built a desk that behaves like a wild horse in Red Dead Redemption:

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The latest project on the YouTube channel is all about Minecraft. Ever wondered how the game would play with a real axe? Teenengg has the answer to this burning question.

So how is it for you? Is the immersion in GTA enough for you without an engine lying next to it? Feel free to put it in the comments.