Final Fantasy 16 has not just one, but multiple playable characters

In Final Fantasy 16, Clive is the main character, but not the only one we control.

In Final Fantasy 16, Clive is the main character, but not the only one we control.

In Final Fantasy 16, Clive is the main character, but not the only one we control.

Final Fantasy 16 is currently in development at Square Enix. In an interview, the people behind the RPG have now revealed that it will not stop with a playable main character. Up until now it has always been said that we would control Clive, but that’s probably not it. Instead, there are probably several characters that we can also play. Maybe we already know who that is.

In Final Fantasy 16 we not only control Clive, but also other characters

That’s what it’s about: Final Fantasy 16 is all about the Dominants, their mighty giant Espers aka Eikons, and the various realms that benefit from enormous crystals and their power. It literally smells like conflict, intrigue and epic battles with gigantic fantasy monsters.

This is exactly what the previously published ones look like Final fantasy 16 trailer out:

Final Fantasy 16 – Pure goosebumps: New trailer shows the powerful hybrid forms for the first time


Final Fantasy 16 – Pure goosebumps: New trailer shows the powerful hybrid forms for the first time

Multiple playable characters: Director Shintaro Takai, producer Naoki Yoshida and director Kazutoyo Mehiro explain in an interview with the Japanese site gamewatch (via: Eurogamer) that right at the beginning of Final Fantasy 16’s story we won’t be playing Clive at all. This is because that character is too involved in other events in the game world at that moment.

This appears to be similar to what happened in Final Fantasy 12 and Reks. At least the developers explain in the interview that this comparison is quite “fair”. Back then, we could only play Reks in the prologue before Vaan became the actual protagonist.

Then who do we play? Unfortunately, this was not revealed. However, those responsible have spoken of “other characters than Clive”, so there should be several. We’d just be betting heavily on the various dominants, specifically these three figures here:

These are the 3 main characters and this is what they look like


Final Fantasy 16:

These are the 3 main characters and this is what they look like

There should also be AI companions in the fights. So while we later control Clive directly, for example, we still have other characters at our side in the battle. We can then probably control them indirectly again by giving them orders. However, the AI ​​should take over the control.

When is Final Fantasy 16 coming? Unfortunately, there is still no exact release date for the PS5 RPG. Currently it is only said that the title is on the right track, the release period is 2023.

What do you think of the prospect of multiple playable characters?