One Piece: This is Dr. Vegapunk’s Devil Fruit! Extents of his brain revealed in manga chapter 1067

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Since the last chapter of one piece the chief scientist at Naval Headquarters dr Vegapunk was revealed, the internet is running hot with fan theories, debates, and attempts to figure out just how incredibly smart this genius really is. Manga Chapter 1067 now provides partial answers to the most burning questions.

If you’d rather not know how the brain of dr. Vegapunk works, what plans he still has for the future and why his head has been in Ohara has shrunk so significantly, you should not read any further at this point, because the following will follow massive spoilers to manga.chapter 1067.

One Piece: Dr. Vegapunk is a devil fruit user

Since Vegapunk first came in Manga Chapter 45 respectively in Anime episode 315 was mentioned, viewer interest in this character is extremely high. What kind of person might he be? Is he even human? How do you think he looks? And is he friend or foe of the Straw Hat Pirates?

Questions upon questions and it actually only got more and more with each further mention. Even as the head of Special Science Group officially introduced in manga chapter 1066, the guesswork surrounding his person only got worse. However, one important question was somewhat forgotten.

Namely, the consideration of whether he is a devil fruit user could act. However, Manga Chapter 1067 provides the appropriate answer here very early on. Vegapunk himself reveals to Luffy, Jinbei and Bonney that he once had the Brain Fruit Nomi Nomi no Mi eaten, which gave him incredible abilities.

thanks to this devil fruit his brain is able to store an infinite amount of knowledge, which is why his head has gotten bigger and bigger over the years. Jewelry Bonney even stated that Vegapunk’s skull was once so large that it could be mistaken for a giant. She compared the dimensions to those of one hot air balloon.

In the hands of an ordinary person, that power would probably have been wasted, but since the odd man with the conspicuously large tongue is a born genius acts, his brain kept growing and according to his own statement it’s still growing. But where is it? After all, Vegapunk’s head is currently relatively normal in size.

One Piece: Dr.  Vegapunk, Devil Fruit, Manga Chapter 1067
©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha.

One Piece: The true dimensions of Vegapunk’s gigantic brain

Quite a few fans of one piece assumed vegapunk’s brain might have died creating his bees, ie those Satellites punk-01 to 06. In fact, it’s even stranger. He reveals to Luffy that the apple is on his head an antenna represents that with the roof of Egghead Island connected is.

Under a monstrous eggshell stands the impressively large place Punk Records, in which, according to the scientist, his brain is kept. the Separation between body and mind would not harm him, however, since his antenna the brainwaves receives. But it gets even more awkward.

Because the satellites Punk-01 to 06 are according to Vegapunk clones of himeach representing an aspect of himself, and if you take them all together, you can his entire self understand. Each of these satellites connects to Punk Records daily, synchronizing all achievements and experiences with the other versions of the genius.

One Piece: Dr.  Vegapunk, Devil Fruit, Manga Chapter 1067
©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha.

Yet the dreams of vegapunk go above and beyond this incredible achievement because if it were up to him, he would all people in the world connect to his brain so that everyone has access to his knowledge. As a result, the populace would update Punk Records themselves, leading to a sea of ​​information would lead.

At the same time it is revealed that Vegapunk would probably do a lot more if he wasn’t such an incredible meticulous perfectionist would. This is how he sees the artificial zoan fruit from momosuke only considered a failure because of the dragon pink instead of blue has become, although the fruit is otherwise a perfect copy of Kaido’s Devil Fruit is.