Pokémon Crimson and Crimson: International Test Scores

Pokemon Crimson Crimson Character 02

As of today Pokémon Crimson and Pokémon Crimson playable. We were wondering how the new games from game freak cut so far. Here are the international ratings for the 9th generation with a first full open world.

Pokémon Crimson and Crimson create mixed feelings

The first reviews of the latest “Pokémon” games have trickled in and seem to be one mixed opinion to have. Crimson and Crimson currently has one Rating of 77 on the international rating page Metacritic inside The reviewers are of the opinion that the games some truly fun moments to have.

For the franchise itself, though, the new parts are not a step forward, as some expected. It’s the first games with one full open world and yet they offer no progress compared to the very well received predecessor Pokemon Legends: Arceuswhich was released earlier this year and achieved a metascore of 83.

Nevertheless, it should be mentioned at this point that “Karmesin und Purpur” has definitely found its fans. Even if the ratings are 77 overall, a large number were enthusiastic about the games. Here are a few excerpts from recent international reviews:

Pokemon Crimson Crimson Character 02

“Here, Game Freak envisions an exciting new approach to the open world of the Pokémon franchise, but doesn’t seem to have had the time or know-how to make it a reality. Compared to June’s Xenoblade Chronicles 3 running on the same console, you can’t help but feel that this is a beta test for an open-world Pokémon. With more time in the oven, the game could have been really exciting. As it is, this entertaining adventure requires you to embrace the gross more than the beautiful.”

The Guardian – 60/100

“Pokemon Crimson and Crimson’s technical issues and sluggish multiplayer can’t overshadow the triumphant leap into an open world. Compelling characters, a variety of new creatures, and an excellent soundtrack help the titles in their mission to renew the franchise. They celebrate everything that makes Pokémon games so endearing: the mysteries, the surprises, the sense of freedom—all while creating an experience that’s probably the best of the entire main series.”

The Enemy – 100/100

“Pokémon Crimson & Crimson is an adventure that everyone should play, even those who haven’t yet taken the first step in their own Pokémon journey.”

Screen Rant – 90/100

“Anyone who can overlook the difficulties will still have fun with the new generation. After all, the core remains collecting medals and completing the Pokédex, which is also entertaining in the new editions, coupled with the open structure. Maybe the Pokémon Company will be able to fix the current issues for the tenth generation in a few years.”

PC Games – 70/100

Pokémon Crimson and Crimson was released on November 18, 2022 exclusively for the Nintendo switch. For more information about the two different editions you can on our big topic page drop by.
