Movie adaptation scrapped – Rockstar Games rejects Eminem

Eminem could have starred in a GTA movie.

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Of: Jonas Dirkes

A GTA film adaptation starring Eminem sounds like a dream for many fans of the series. However, Rockstar Games does not seem convinced of the idea.

New York – Video game fans have endured some lousy video game adaptations over the years, so a real blockbuster would be just the thing for a change. Many game series would lend themselves to a film, but a GTA-branded gangster epic is a long way off, as developer Rockstar Games has refused to do so in the past. And that’s despite the involvement of rap titan Eminem and Top Gun director Tony Scott.

GTA in cinemas: The Rockstar game movie that wasn’t meant to be

A GTA movie starring Eminem, how could this have happened? If you believe Kirk Ewing in a recent issue of Bugzy Malone’s Grandest Game Podcast, then there could have been a Grand Theft Auto movie in the early 2000s after the release of GTA 3. Ewing was in contact with Sam Houser, one of the founders of developer Rockstar, at the time. In the podcast, Ewing tells the story of the then possible GTA film as follows:

It was just after Grand Theft Auto 3. And I think Sams was at that point [gemeint ist Sam Houser] Head still the thought that a movie is something he would want to do. […] I remember getting a call at 4:00 a.m. from a producer in LA who wanted to make a movie and he said to me, Kirk, we have Eminem in the lead and it’s a Tony Scott movie, exactly 5 million , are you interested?

Eminem is likely to have his Oscar-winning film at this point 8 Miles turned off and been one of the hottest stars of the hour. Tony Scott, the brother of “gladiator“-, “blade runner“- and “alien“-director Ridley Scott, was also considered a top cast for a large-scale film project at the time. In the past he had immense success with films such as top gun or Public Enemy #1.

Eminem could have starred in a GTA movie.
GTA: Movie with Eminem – Rockstar rejects blockbuster © Rockstar Games | Universal

GTA in the cinema: Sam Houser probably simply rejected the Grand Theft Auto film

Why didn’t the GTA movie happen? Actually, all traffic lights seemed to be green for Grand Theft Auto in the cinema: A top star in the leading role and an experienced director behind the camera. However, the ambitious project never came to fruition because Sam Houser simply showed no interest. He reportedly responded to the offer with a simple, “Not interested” and declined. According to Ewing, Rockstar has realized that the GTA franchise itself is far more valuable than any film that could come from it.

The GTA series is currently making headlines due to its absence. The alleged release date of GTA 6 is said to have been leaked on IMDB. At the same time, Rockstar asserts that the massive mid-year leak will not affect the development of GTA 6.