WoW: Bugfixes for Monks, Druids, Rogues, Priests – Hotfixes from 11/23/2022

WoW WotLK Classic: Developers plan Ulduar tests before Christmas

from Susan Brown
Not long now before WoW starts: Dragonflight. Until then, the WoW developers are still busy fixing strange bugs that primarily occur in the interaction of skills and talents. The November 23, 2022 hotfixes bring minor nerfs to Boomkins, buffs to Brewmasters, and fixes to Priests, Rogues, and Shamans.

On November 29, 2022, less than a week from now, starts WoW: Dragonflight. Until then, you can have fun during the pre-event or try your Caller (or other alts). and level super fast. Because the talent trees were completely redesigned with the pre-patches for WoW: Dragonflight, there are sometimes synergies between skills and talents that do not do what they should for some classes. And that’s why there was another batch of hotfixes for the WoW servers on the night of November 23, 2022.

Balance druids, for example, are affected by the bug fixes. The damage of Wild Mushrooms could be delayed unplanned, Darkness (Moon) shouldn’t have increased the damage of Wild Mushrooms and then Balance of All Things also provided an increased crit chance of Wild Mushrooms. Means: With the hotfixes there was a small quasi-nerf for Boomkins. Brewmaster Monks, on the other hand, should be happy that their self-healing and defensive capabilities have been buffed. We have below the English hotfix patch notes translated for you.