Mythic-Plus in WoW: Dragonflight – the important information in a nutshell in the guide

WoW: Attention - Dragonflight enchantments show incorrect values!

It was getting dark, the moon was shining brightly, and the M+ bosses were really quick to get a really big bell. Namely from you! Season 1 of WoW: Dragonflight kicks off on December 14, 2022, and that means fans of M+ mode can flock to the dungeons to hone not only their prowess in fighting trash and bosses, but also their speed in racing against the clock to prove.

In time for this we will bring you our detailed survival tips for a round M+ visit in the Dragon Island dungeons Ruby Lifepool, Assault of the Nokhud, Azure Vault and Algeth’ar Academy as well as in the oldie instances Halls of Valor and Court of Stars from Legion, Shadowmoon Tomb from Warlords of Draenor and Temple of the Jade Serpent from Mists of Pandaria. Firstly, so that you can get through the chaos unscathed, and secondly, of course, you can also collect cool rewards from the treasury in Valdrakken. But we are already providing you with the most interesting and worth knowing details for your upcoming M+ adventure!

Getting to the dungeons: where to go?

Because it is in the nature of the Mythic experience that you are not teleported to the beginning of an instance via a dungeon browser, but have to travel there yourself, we have given you a brief overview of where you can find the dungeon entrances as long as there are none There are portal opportunities for you. You unlock the teleport function of a dungeon when you have completed it on M+20 or higher and achieved the associated success.

Of course, you will find the entrance to the Dragonflight dungeons in the well-known zones.

  • Ruby Life Pool: Awakening Coast at coordinates 60/75
  • Azure Vault: Azure Mountains at coordinates 39/64
  • Attack of the Nokhud: Plains of Ohn’ahra at coordinates 61/39
  • Algeth’ar Academy: Thaldraszus at coordinates 58/42

The best way to get to the “old” M+ instances is via the portals in Valdrakken next to the large staircase (coordinates 56/55), which will drop you off right near the instances. If you want to go to the Jade Forest on Pandaria, then you land about 300 meters away from the entrance of the Temple of the Jade Serpent (Coordinates: 56/58). The portal to Shadowmoon Valley puts you near the Shadowmoon Burial Ground (Coordinates: 32/43).

The Dalaran Portal takes you to Dalaran Landing in the Broken Isles. From there, depending on where you want to go, you have to go to the Halls of Valor in Sturmheim (coordinates: 70/69) or to Court of Stars in Suramar (coordinates: 51/65).