Twitch users are running away in droves – what’s going on there?

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The large flowering cell of Streaming platform Twitch seems to be over. At least that’s what the current statistics suggest, which paint anything but a positive picture of the situation. Twitch has one significant decline struggling in terms of users and viewership. It turns out logically the question of the reasonswho are responsible for this development. What is actually going on at Twitch?

Twitch numbers plummeting

As per the latest website stats shows, the streaming platform Twitch came in November 2022 to around 1.69 billion viewer hours. What at first sounds like a considerable number actually means one decrease of ten percent compared to October. At the same time, the number of viewer hours has increased with it the lowest level since September 2020 reached what was more than two years ago.

Is this the beginning of the end on Twitch?

The legitimate question therefore arises as to whether the star of twitch threatens to sink too definitively and what the reasons for this could be. First of all, it should be said here that Such fluctuations are not uncommon and therefore do not represent any particular development. Already in November of last year Twitch saw a 10.3 percent decline in viewership compared to October 2021. However, the number was still there at the time at 1.81 billion and thus quite a bit higher than is currently the case.

In addition, it cannot be denied that Twitch has been to struggle with problems Has. One of these is the great controversy surrounding the customized payment modelwhich has prompted some major streamers to to leave Twitch and move to major competitor YouTube gaming.

Of course, these big streamer stars also take their fans with them, which ultimately declining viewership results. Added to this is the ban on gambling streams and criticism of alleged double standards for male and female streamers. In addition, there are certainly many other (smaller) reasons.