New find in Pokémon GO gives hope for a strong C-Day Classic in January

Pokémon GO: Dates for Community Days in September, October and November are set

Dataminers have found a new photobomb in the Pokémon GO code. Now it is obvious which Pokémon could appear at the Community Day Classic in January 2023.

What is this find? Dataminers regularly scour the Pokémon GO code for changes. New Pokémon and features were found long before they were announced.

A December 7 find reveals a new photobomb. So a Pokémon that sticks its head in the picture when a snapshot is taken. Could this be the prediction for the C-Day Classic?

Community Day Classic with Larvitar in January 2023?

This is the picture: The Pokeminers’ account shared the photobomb on Twitter. It shows a larvitar. We embed the tweet with the picture here:

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In the comments, some trainers are now speculating that the photobomb was probably added for an event in January.

Can the find be trusted? The finds of the PokeMiners have proven to be reliable in recent years. Many found features and Pokémon were unlocked shortly after they were found.
However, the data miners do not say at this point that the photobomb is directly connected to a community day. But the assumption is close.

What are the players saying? In the comments, users argue what speaks for a Community Day Classic with Larvitar. You say:

  • Larvitar already had a normal Community Day
  • A Community Day Classic has been confirmed for January with a date
  • Larvitar is a strong Pokémon (like the past C-Day Classics with Bisaflor, Dragoran, Sumpex)
  • Other classic Community Days Pokémon have also received photobombs

On too reddit the discovery of the dataminer is a big topic of conversation. Players would want a classic C-Day with Larvitar. As user FPG_Matthew writes, “It’s crazy that I caught so many Larvitar but never a Shiny. I missed his Community Day. Would be about a classic [Community Day] happy.”

User SparklingStar1440 writes, “I guess there’s not much more to speculate about, unless we’re being trolled or it’s a photobomb of some sort of pseudo-legendary event.”

We assume that Niantic will unveil the Community Day Classic, which is planned for January 2023, in December. Then we know exactly whether the photobomb found is really for this event, or something else special starts with Larvitar.