WoW: Gathering from the mount – the most important perks for herbalism and mining

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from Philip Sattler
The new specializations for the various professions in WoW: Dragonflight have brought all kinds of big and small bonuses into play – also for the collecting professions. However, the most important perks for herbalism and mining hide quite well and are overlooked by many.

When the developers announced many months ago that they would massively revise the professions in WoW: Dragonflight, many players were still skeptical. Too many times the devs had tried to make the craft exciting and each time they had failed. This time, however, those responsible left hardly a stone unturned and turned the system upside down like hardly any feature before.

The specializations for the professions are particularly new. These are more like small talent trees and are not comparable to the specializations that we used to see in WoW (buy now ) would have. However, many players have not yet really dealt with the complex system. In contrast to the actual talent tree, it is important to choose the right perks. Because switching back and forth is not possible in this case.

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