Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion: How To Find All 7 Goddess Materia

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Warning, spoilers follow: In a total of ten chapters you have to Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Start reunion with protagonist Zack. Before you can face the final boss, however, you must find 7 special objects, the Goddess Materia. We’ll tell you where to find them.

The goddess materia are divided into two areas

in the 10th chapter you get to the Abyss of Decision, the main area of ​​a branched tunnel system. There are several possible paths you can take. You have to get the seven goddess materia Portal of Farewell bring and place in a special device there.

Once you’ve done that, a gate will open that will let you the way to Genesis, the final boss of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion. But first of course you have to find the seven Materia and luckily the decisions are already in the abyss placed four of them.

The first Goddess Materia, the Light-Materia, you can’t overlook either. In order to obtain the remaining objects, you actually only have to do a little bit walk around in the cave and pay close attention to possible passages. This is how you ultimately collect the other three Materia.

This is about the earth material, which you can find at the other end of the cave on the left. It’s practically just a stone’s throw away Celestial Materia. the Star Materia you’ll find when you’re on your way to the farewell portal. We have the exact positions on the map marked for you.

At the four red dots you will find the first four Goddess Materia © Square Enix/Square Enix

Once you’ve collected the four Goddess Materia, you’re on your way to the next area do that borders directly on the abyss of decision. Just follow the path that is on the lower part can be seen on the map. This other cave is called the Lake of Oblivion and there you will find the last remaining collectibles.

If you look around the cave, you will over three boxes stumble. However, since some of these are placed in a common way, you can quickly walk past them. From the entrance on the right is the life materialif you turn left from the entrance, you can see the Existence Materia grab. The last of the bunch, the Sabbath Materiais at the other end of the cave in the right corner.

Since you now all seven Goddess Materia collected, you can make your way to the Farewell Portal and open the gate. The way to the end boss is from “Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion” you finally open! Alternatively, you can still visit the caves for treasure look around