Twitch streamer xQc bets on Worlds Finals, loses $650,000

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Of the Twitter-Streamer xQc is once again making headlines with gambling. This time he loses over half a million US dollars. He bet on France in the final of the men’s soccer World Cup in Qatar. Which, according to his own statement, cost him a total of around 650,000 US dollars.

Twitch star xQc loses $650k over soccer bet

That’s what it’s about: The men’s soccer World Cup ended yesterday evening with a final between the national teams of France and Argentina. Of the Twitch streamer xQc bet on France to win.

Easiest win of his life? xQc is not exactly known for its modesty. Appropriately, he also sounded very self-confident before the game, he had known from the first game that France would win. It would be the easiest win of his life.

In addition there was a screenshot, the one Wagering $500,000 shows xQc is said to have bet via its partner betting site Stance:

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As we now know, But France didn’t win. Accordingly, this wasn’t the easiest win in xQc’s life, but one bad defeatwhich also costs him dearly.

Apparently he has even more money set than just the initial $500,000. After the game, the Twitch streamer was much more meek and wrote that all in all it was a good game and he had it probably lost around 650,000 US dollars.

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This might be uncomfortable and embarrassing for xQc, but nothing new. It has been reported for quite some time that the Twitch Star Real Problem With Gambling Addiction Has. In April alone, he is said to have lost around 2 million US dollars as a result.

The whole thing is particularly spicy because xQc signed a sponsorship deal with the betting site has on which he placed his bet. Not so long ago, streaming of so-called Casino streams and similar gambling banned on Twitch.

Who was your favorite at the World Cup final? Tell us in the comments.