Rumor mill: Spicy details about the development of Cyberpunk 2077

Rumor mill: Spicy details about the development of Cyberpunk 2077

Although Cyberpunk 2077, unlike Elden Ring, no longer appears in the news section despite constant updates, the two Open World Monuments one thing in common: They are both part of our rumor mill this week. And while, as the name suggests, they often deal with half-knowledge, this time we only have first-hand information for you.

Cyberpunk 2077: lies and fraud at the partner company

CD Projekt Reds is the first Cyberpunk 2077, for the development of which exciting details have now emerged that at least partially explain the disastrous launch debacle. According to this, a whistleblower contacted the YouTuber, who often reports on cyberpunk Upper Echelon Games reported and almost thrown around with internal knowledge.

Rumor mill: incriminating details from cyberpunk development

said whistleblower has a whole lot of devastating information about it Quantic Labs in store: This is the company that was responsible for quality assurance in Cyberpunk 2077 and was also responsible as an external tester for The Witcher 3 and Destroy All Humans. As the whistleblower has now revealed, Quantic Labs CD Projekt Red ilied about some things.

Instead of experienced senior testers, the quality assurance Cyberpunk 2077 used a number of beginners who had a maximum of six months of experience. The size of the test team was also played with the wrong cards and fewer testers were commissioned than stated. The whistleblower was able to back up his claims with pages and pages of internal documents, shedding new light on the shattered release of Cyberpunk 2077.

After Elden Ring: what’s next for From Software?

Meanwhile, nicer news reached us from Japan this week: Because during Elden ring landed on the market only four months ago and delighted players all over the world, left From Software boss Hidetaka Miyazaki a few days ago the bombshell burst that the next game is already in the final development phase.