KB5015814 update for Windows 11: Some users complain about boot loops and lower fps

KB5015814 update for Windows 11: Some users complain about boot loops and lower fps

from Claus Ludewig
The update KB5015814 for Windows 11 closes some security gaps, but some users report boot loops and other problems.

Patchday for Windows is every second Tuesday of the month. In July, Microsoft had that Update KB5015814 released. This update aims to fix a number of security vulnerabilities, most notably an issue that redirects Powershell command output. Now some users are reporting that a boot loop can occur when installing the patch. In some rare cases, the Start Menu or File Explorer is said to crash.

Antivirus and .Net are to blame

The community has already identified who is responsible for the problems with the latest Microsoft patch. The antivirus program Malwarebytes is supposed to prevent the installation. Security software has to dig deep into the operating system in order to function. As a result, security software is also always to blame for incompatibilities when installing and running updates or new software or games. Speaking of which, some users write that update KB5015814 also includes the PC gaming performance adversely affected.

In addition to the problem related to Malwarebytes, the .Net modules Advanced Services 3.5 and 4.8 also cause difficulties. The patch works after deactivating both services. For most users, however, the update works without any problems. If you still have problems, you can simply uninstall the update. After opening the Settings app, go to the Windows Update category. Now click on update history. Here you will find the item “Uninstall updates”.

Also worth reading: Windows 11: Major feature updates only every three years? [Gerücht]

Collection of issues after updating to KB5015841:

  • Microsoft recently released patch KB5015814 for Windows 11, which is intended to close some security gaps.
  • Some users are now reporting issues related to this update. This can lead to a boot loop when installing the patch or the start menu or file explorer can crash. In addition, the performance in PC games should decrease.
  • According to some users, the antivirus program Malwarebytes is responsible for some of the problems. In addition, the .Net modules Advanced Services 3.5 and 4.8 are said to be responsible for the difficulties.
  • For most users, however, the update works without any problems. If you still have difficulties, you can simply uninstall the update in the settings app.

Sources: Reddit, Microsoft
