German YouTuber is convicted of rape – his colleagues distance themselves in disgust

German YouTuber is convicted of rape – his colleagues distance themselves in disgust

The YouTuber and Twitch streamer Daniel aka “Danny” has been sentenced to a suspended sentence of one and a half years for two counts of rape. The court has come to the verdict that he raped his ex-girlfriend “Vi” in 2 counts, at least that’s what the documents in the Twitter post say about her. Now his colleagues spoke up, some have worked with Danny before: they were shocked and disgusted.

Warning: This article is about sexual abuse. If the topic makes you uncomfortable, you should not read this news.

The situation in brief:

  • Danny’s ex-girlfriend Vi, by her own admission, was labeled a “psycho ex” who wanted to damage Danny’s reputation and spread untrue things. Now she went public and shared court documents on Twitter showing Danny’s conviction.
  • He was sentenced to two suspended counts for rape. Juvenile criminal law applies to him due to his age at the time of the offences.
  • His colleagues like Twitch streamer Niekbeats, Papaplatte and musician t-low were repeatedly notified on Twitter and asked to comment.
  • Niekbeats made a statement after just a few hours. Papaplatte, t-low and other colleagues also spoke up.

20-year-old accuses German YouTuber of raping her – shares the verdict on Twitter

Danny was negative before

This made Danny known to many: In a Rust project, where many German streamers organized role-playing games on their own server in 2021, Danny made a name for himself throughout Germany. Out of nowhere, he asked one participant if she could sit on his face.

His buddies defended him vehemently at the time and said that he wasn’t the way it seemed here.

“That’s an insider,” they argued, saying that he did respect women. Danny even apologized for his behavior but still left a bigger discussion.

Now he has been convicted of double rape and now all his colleagues are turning their backs on him.

Colleagues are now distancing themselves from Danny

What are his buddies saying? Streamer Papaplatte posted his statement on Twitter and wrote that he had to let the situation sink in emotionally. He is sorry for what happened to the victim and wishes Vi a lot of strength. Papaplatte also said that he had hardly had any contact with Danny for the last 1.5 years – now he is breaking it off completely.

He wants nothing to do with people who inflict physical and psychological violence on people. He also deletes the shared song from YouTube and Spotify.

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The musician t-low also posted a statement on his Instagram story: he didn’t know how to deal with the situation and was shocked and confused himself. In fact, he probably knew “about it” (ie apparently about the allegations), but believed his buddy, since he only knew his point of view for the time being.

But since t-low now knows the court’s verdict, he distances himself from Danny. Also, the v-logs on Danny’s YouTube channel, which have been the focus of t-low lately, also stop.

Other colleagues who belonged to the group around t-low and were in Danny’s v-logs also commented on Instagram.

They consistently say that they distance themselves from all forms of sexual violence and that Danny was just “someone” to them who was there and caught the group’s happenings on camera. Everyone probably knew nothing about the fact and will not do anything with the YouTuber in the future either.

A Twitter user took screenshots of the statements and posted them. You can watch them here:

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Outside YouTubers and Twitch streamers also commented

What did other content creators say? Not only the immediate area, but also other streamers and YouTubers posted what they thought of the verdict:

  • MontanaBlack88 tweeted: “Someone who rapes a woman, under any circumstances, should not be a part of our society for a very long time. The German judicial system disgusts me at least as much as the perpetrators themselves (via Twitter).”
  • Shurjoka writes: “Yesterday the double rape of a woman by an influencer went viral. Today people are discussing in the drukos [Twitter-Antworten] “what could justify rape,” “whether he had to confess,” “that he seems too nice to have done it,” and “who would protect their bro too.” The presumption of innocence is not a one-way street. To accuse a woman of inventing a crime is also to criminalize the woman. Strangely enough, nobody talks about criminal protection (via Twitter).”
  • orangemorange worries about the YouTuber: “Danny was in his prime about life and I hope he doesn’t do anything bad to himself (via Twitter).”
  • Vik says, “On this Danny topic, I occasionally see tweets like, ‘So what? If my buddy raped someone, I would still back them. Friends are there for each other,” and I seriously wonder where such people lost their moral compass (via Twitter).”

Some others published their displeasure with the situation and clearly distanced themselves from sexual violence. They cannot understand how one cannot be on the side of the (potential) victim.

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