Eight years after release: Employee comments on the deletion of PT

Silent Hills in Dreams: Fan presents impressive project (1)

It’s been eight years since the notorious PT demo was able to inspire a large part of his player base. However, Silent Hills, the project PT was supposed to be a teaser for, became a part of Hideo Kojima’s departure konami pulped. Accordingly, the popular demo was deleted from the Playstation store. For the eighth anniversary of the demo, Kojima tweeted. Pearl L, a former employee, responded to this and stated that she was the “first-party lead” responsible for placing the title in the Playstation Store. She was ultimately the one who, according to some statements Sony had to announce that the demo should be deleted from the store.

Why was PT deleted?

When asked exactly why PT was actually deleted, the user replied: “I say this with all love, ‘Because Konami’“.

However, Pearl L did not get more specific in her answers. She commended both Sony and Konami’s support team for handling the situation. Nevertheless, she noted that it was difficult with Konami employees in particular, as fans often took their frustration out on them. Therefore, according to her, there is a good reason why the support team would not act under their real names.

PT in retrospect

In response to a fan tweet, she replied: “Believe me, I wish it had gone differently. It was a lot of fun designing this secret cool thing for fans. It was amazing to see everyone trying to understand the experience together and walking out of the experience with so much love. I am very grateful that I was allowed to be a small part of it.
