Skyrim Mod: Horses from The Witcher 3 in Skyrim

Skyrim Mod: Horses from The Witcher 3 in Skyrim

from Maximilian Hohm
The modder “WillOhTheWisp” has harnessed the horses from The Witcher 3 in Skyrim and given some of them additional special abilities. Players can find them scattered throughout the game world and then use them. In addition, the unicorns have been optimized and a rare horse that was only accessible via console commands is now in the game. Read more about this below.

In The Witcher 3, the witcher Geralt moves fastest on horseback. His horses are mostly mares and are called Plötze in the German version, while they are called Roach in the English version. Since there are many different horses in the game, there is a certain amount of choice that makes it interesting for a mod. The modder “WillOhTheWisp” has taken on the witcher’s horses and prepared them as a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition.

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The mod can here Downloadable for free, it features 20 unique horses with special abilities scattered throughout Skyrim and Solstheim. 21 horses have also been distributed in Skyrim from Elder Scrolls Online. The modder has also distributed 56 unique patterns and color schemes to Skyrim’s horses. He assigned a horse to M’aiq the Liar, which now always appears with him.

There are also two wild horse breeds that roam the open prairies and snow-capped mountains of Skyrim, and unicorns now have 28 different possible wing compositions. Finally, the modder has overhauled Karinda, Dagny’s horse, which can only be spawned via console commands and does not assist the player in battles, so that it can be bought at the Whiterun Stables. For the future, the modder would like to equip the unique horses with additional special abilities, color-coordinate the saddles and animate the wings of the unicorns.

Source: Dark Side of Gaming