WoW Dragonflight: Youtuber gets its own tribute NPC

WoW Dragonflight: Angel YouTuber gets his own tribute NPC (1)

from Sarah Petzold
The WoW developers have included an NPC in WoW Dragonflight to honor a Youtuber who has gained attention in the past for his World of Warcraft fishing videos, among other things. We tell you what the new NPC is all about and where you can find him.

For many years, special NPCs have been appearing in World of Warcraft, with which the developers want to honor certain people – the so-called tribute NPCs. The upcoming Dragonflight expansion is no exception in this respect, as we can meet at least one of these special non-player characters there.

Crend the Pointless: An Appreciation of Inconsequential

This NPC is Crend the Pointless, a human staring ahead on a lonely boat in the waters of the Azure Mountains with a fishing rod on his back. Crend the Pointless is a clear allusion to the Youtuber Crendor, who became known within the WoW community with his fishing videos, among other things.

WoW Dragonflight: Angel YouTuber gets his own tribute NPC (1)

Source: buffed

WoW Dragonflight: Angel YouTuber gets his own tribute NPC (2)

Source: buffed

WoW Dragonflight: Angel YouTuber gets his own tribute NPC (3)

Source: buffed

Crendor’s Fishing with Crendor video series aims to help WoW fans escape the game’s stressful grind and unwind with the help of his show. The videos show Crendor fishing while he interviews other well-known figures about WoW and their experiences with the online role-playing game. Sometimes there are also episodes in which only Crendor himself speaks.