Steam Survey: Nvidia holds lead in GPUs, Intel loses market share

Steam Survey: Nvidia holds lead in GPUs, Intel loses market share

from Maximilian Hohm
The Steam Hardware and Software Survey shows Steam users’ hardware, which isn’t always the newest and fastest. The current issue shows that Nvidia has maintained its lead in GPUs, while Intel is continuously losing market share in the CPU segment. So read more about the average PC that Steam users have below.

If you look at the results of the hardware surveys in our PCGHX forum, you come to the conclusion that most gamers (9.72 percent) use a Geforce RTX 3090. If you look at the second place, the Radeon RX 6900XT (9.17 percent), the conclusion is obvious that PC gamers are mostly using absolute high-end hardware and little consideration has to be given to older hardware. But such polls of enthusiasts reflect only part of the truth.

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Therefore, the Steam Hardware and Software Survey, which simply uses Steam’s hardware and software users as a comparison factor, should represent the player base and their hardware a little more realistically. If you look at them, the most common graphics card is still a Geforce GTX 1060 (7.15 percent of all players). This is still based on the Pascal architecture and is by no means a bad card, just absolutely inferior to a Radeon RX 6900XT or Geforce RTX 3090.

The Steam Hardware Survey also shows that Nvidia has further improved its market position and that more than three quarters of all gaming PCs still have Team Green graphics cards. The most common AMD graphics card, on the other hand, is the Radeon RX 580, which is only found in 1.28 percent of PCs with Steam. In the CPU segment, however, AMD is better off. Intel has been steadily losing market share for the past year and a half, and soon AMD should be in a third of all gaming PCs running Steam.

The average PC now has six physical CPU cores and Windows 10 is the most popular operating system. It is now still installed on 69 percent of PCs with Steam and the proportion of PCs with Windows 11 is constantly increasing. With a share of almost two-thirds, Full HD remains the most used resolution among Steam players, while the more recommendable WQHD only has a distribution of almost 11 percent. More than half of the Steam PCs are equipped with 16 GiB of RAM, so there are at least no direct bottlenecks here.

Source: Steam