These are the main differences between virtualization and emulation

We are going to explain the main differences between virtualization and emulation so that there are no more doubts when listening to these two terms, because despite seeming very similar, the truth is that they differ in their application.

When it comes to talking about emulation and virtualization, doubts may assail you. These two terms are very similar and have the same goal, but the way they achieve it is the key to their differences.

If you have always had an interest in these terms, we recommend that you read carefully so that you know how to differentiate between virtualization and emulation. Of course, before starting with the differences, it is time to know the meaning of these two words.

Virtualization consists of managing to mount more than one operating system inside another. Come on, being able to have one software installed inside another. Something similar to matryoshka dolls.

Emulation bases its operation on emulating the operation of software, operating system or platform. This means that, for example, if we are on an Android device we can make it work like a Windows computer.

The main difference between virtualization and emulation lies in their concept. While virtualization allows you to instantiate one operating system within another, emulation makes the main operating system behave like another.

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As a result of this main difference, the ways in which both emulation and virtualization are used arise.. The applications are quite common and, in fact, we are surrounded by them, although much more so in the case of emulation.

Video game emulators are the clear example of utility, in them the system behaves like a different one thanks to a specific program that acts as a bridge so that everything works correctly.

Virtualization, on the other hand, is used in a much more advanced way and the clearest example of this is virtual machines. This application is used to manage to run operating systems within others.

In fact, you can even run specific programs inside these virtual machines because they make use of the computer in an almost native way. The potential of virtualization is greater than that of emulation.

And, it is that, virtualization allows to use the hardware of the computer on which this virtual machine is being applied. This situation makes the performance much better than an emulation and, above all, the sensation is completely fluid.

The virtualization and emulation They are two sides of the same coin, but while one manages to squeeze the most out of its potential; the other stays halfway and its applications are much more homemade or intended for entertainment.