Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: More details on the new raids

Shooter fans won’t have to wait long for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to come out. In addition to proven gameplay, there will also be the Raids mode. There are fresh details on this.

The new game variant was recently presented at a major CoD event, but there is not a lot of information from the official side. On the official blog there is talk of a cooperative mode for three players in which puzzles must be solved between intense firefights. Teamwork and a strategic approach are more important than ever.

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, raids invite you to shoot and puzzle

Insider Gaming, however, wants additional information to have and for this one relies on unspecified sources that are said to be close to the development. If you are to believe them, the first raid will feature two puzzles: one will be all about numbers, while the other will focus on a water maze.

The first mission is to play in a submarine station that you have to infiltrate as a team. You also go into the water, where you have to share an oxygen tank in order to be able to breathe. But this is just one example of many other scenarios in which players must coordinate such actions with each other in order to survive – so just shooting away is far from enough. “It’s like Destiny, only more tactical,” an unnamed source is quoted as saying.

Raids could be multi-stage events

Another anonymous source also claims to have found evidence in Modern Warfare 2 files that the raids are multi-level events. Individual missions with the apparent placeholder names “number puzzle”, “water maze” and “burglary” are said to have been found. In addition, it should be possible to build your own raids and make them available to the player community online.

The details mentioned should be treated with caution and therefore as rumors for the time being. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is set to launch on October 28, 2022 and will continue a controversial tradition.

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