DALL-E: Here you can try the meme machine online

Jonas Dirkes

  • Jonas Dirkes

    OfJonas Dirkes

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A simple line of text is enough for DALL-E and the AI ​​Image Generator interprets an image from it. So you can try the magic tool.

Hamburg – The AI ​​Image Generator DALL-E is making heads collectively burst on the Internet. The functionality of the powerful tool is as simple as it is impressive: You give DALL-E a text and the AI ​​then interprets the command as an image. There are no limits to creativity and meme potential. Be it pictures of Elmo in the Vietnam War or the Cookie Monster performing in Woodstock – we live in truly wild times.

software DALL-E
Publication date 05.01.2021
Original Author OpenAI

DALL-E: Mini version of the AI ​​Image Generator can be tried online

How to try DALL-E online for yourself? The easiest way to play tricks with DALL-E yourself is currently using the DALL-E Mini web tool. Although this is a slimmed-down version of the actual DALL-E, you get nine image results within 1-2 minutes without any major detours.

Although there is now a better variant of the AI ​​Image Generator, DALL-E 2, which creates high-resolution images and better results, it is not yet readily accessible to the masses. But it is already possible to rely on one Waiting list for DALL-E 2 to put. So if you want to turn your wildest dreams into images, you can do it with a little bit of waiting and luck.

DALL-E: Tips and tricks for using the AI ​​Image Generator

How to use DALL-E Mini? In order for DALL-E to be able to professionally implement your crazy meme and image ideas, the AI ​​Image Generator needs as much concrete information as possible. In order to generate its images, DALL-E accesses all the images on the Internet. The more image files are available for your command, the better the end result will be.

DALL-E Mini brings the Cookie Monster to Woodstock


An example: Giving DALL-E the text command to interpret a friend of yours at the local bus stop will not work. It is therefore best to refer back to things, places and people that are well documented on the Internet. Compared to DALL-E 2, DALL-E Mini still has massive problems with human faces. In our tests, experiments with cartoon characters, dolls, or other fantasy creatures were particularly fruitful.

Another tip for using DALL-E is to give the AI ​​Image Generator a defined framework or style in which to work. For example, look for a well-known artist like Van Gogh and have your picture interpreted in his style. There are also interesting results when framing DALL-E looks like a CCTV security camera, a fisheye lens or a court drawing.

DALL-E: Too Much Traffic error requires patience from users

DALL-E Mini gives me “Too Much Traffic” error, what can I do? DALL-E is the viral trend of the moment. Countless users are currently trying to access the AI ​​Image Generator at the same time. In order to create an image yourself with DALL-E, you sometimes have to be patient. DALL-E gives you the error “Too Much Traffic”, then click ok and try again. If there is a lot going on, you may have to repeat this procedure 20-30 times.

DALL-E lets Elmo fight in the Vietnam War.


Once the DALL-E Mini starts to work, you will receive your 9 different image results after a waiting time of just under 1-2 minutes. We look forward to your creations with DALL-E! Write us your tips for particularly wild or good results in the comments.

Rubric list picture: © DALL-E
