Uncharted: New movie trailer finally makes Mark Wahlberg look like Sully

There are new movie scenes with Nate and Sully.
There are new movie scenes with Nate and Sully.

The movie about the Uncharted games didn’t have an easy time with the community. However, a new trailer with which Sony Pictures would like to sweeten our Christmas festivities could dispel some reservations. The video clip is full of set pieces as we know them from the games, and Mark Wahlberg is finally doing what the fans have been wanting all along. Here you can see the action-packed second trailer for the Uncharted film:

The uncharted trailer for the film shows Mark Wahlberg as Mustache Sully for the first time


The uncharted trailer for the film shows Mark Wahlberg as Mustache Sully for the first time

Sully finally with a chic mustache: Most fans will celebrate the fact that Mark Wahlberg is seen as Victor “Sully” Sullivan for the first time with a mustache – after all, the mustache is one of the characteristics of the character.

Uncharted Film takes a different approach

The Uncharted film takes place before the video games, so the characters are a lot younger. However, the film is not to be understood as a logically integrated prehistory of the games, but should function independently of it.

This is the story: Nathan Drake, played by Tom Holland, is hired by Sully to recover the lost treasure of the seafarer Magellan. Of course, things go wrong and the two protagonists get into one or the other fistfight and exchange of fire. The antagonist of the film is the unscrupulous Moncada – played by Antonio Banderas – who suspects himself to be a descendant of Ferdinand Magellan and therefore wants to claim the treasure for himself.

In addition to the gold, which is said to be worth five billion dollars, Nate is also looking for his long-lost brother. We already know Sam Drake Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End.

There is also something else new about the Uncharted film:

Nate and Sully in the foreground: Despite all the adversaries, the focus of the story is clearly on Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan’s relationship. At the beginning of the film, the two are still avowed lone fighters who are primarily concerned with their own well-being. Only through shared adventures do they get closer and become the inseparable duo that we know from the games.

When can we see the Uncharted movie? Uncharted comes from February 17, 2022 in German cinemas.

How do you like the new Uncharted trailer?
