The mistake with the WiFi router that almost everyone makes and that puts your personal data at risk

Although the router is a vulnerable device, only a few users pay attention to its security.

In the vast majority of homes there is a router hidden somewhere. Once the company technician installs it, the normal thing is to leave it where it is not in sight: behind the furniture, under the TV, in a closet… Although this sometimes causes problems with the WiFi signal.

Beyond the same power and the stability of the connection, there is another issue that is often neglected with routers: security. Normally, once they are installed, nothing is touched until it is time to change them, sometimes after years of using them with computers, mobile phones, televisions and any device in the home.

The big question that may arise is the following, however uncomfortable it may be: when was the last time you updated the router?

Opening router ports is a concept that you have surely heard many times. It is especially useful when trying to play a game online from your console or PC, when making video conferences or when setting up torrent download clients.

There are other tips that are easier to follow and that users often do, such as rebooting the router from time to time, which is highly recommended. But 88% never update the firmware of the equipment, according to what is published in Express.

To this we must add an even greater problem and that commits 84%: don’t change the admin password which comes by default with the router. It is an error and we anticipate that this is usually “admin” almost always.

view the situation, we recommend that you spend a few minutes of your time updating the router so that the latest firmware is downloaded and, incidentally, also change the administrator password. If not, perhaps a neighbor has taken liberties with him or is spying on you.

If you do not know how to update the router, this guide that we prepared to access its configuration will surely be of great help to you. We assure you that it will not take too long and you won’t need to do it again for a while. This way you will have a much more secure connection.