Best Workout App: These 5 apps will work like a fitness coach, will also take care of eating, drinking and sleeping

Health and Fitness Apps: Health is Wealth is an old and very famous saying. However, during the pandemic, we all have to exercise while staying at home. In such a situation, fitness and health apps work like a coach for us. Here we have brought you a list of the best fitness apps. They not only tell you the right way to exercise but also help you meet your fitness goals.

Google Fit
This app has been prepared by Google, which is a great workout tracker. It can tell information like speed, altitude, route, walking and running of users. The app tells you how many calories you burned, how many kms. Walk and sleep for how many hours? This app has got more than 100 million downloads on the Play Store.

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Daily Yoga
People who do yoga every day can download this app. Here more than 500 asanas, more than 1000 yoga, tips and exercise timer are also available. If you want, you can customize the duration, level, goal and style of the yoga. Apart from this, more than 40 yoga coaches are also available.

JEFIT workout Tracker
It is not only a fitness tracker app but also a gym trainer. A free fitness plan is also made available to the users. Here are more than 1300 detailed exercises. It’s a perfect app for fitness trackers and you can even customize your workouts. It also gives you workout reminders.

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Like other apps, it also helps you achieve your health and fitness goals. Apart from being a workout tracker, it is also a weight loss tracker, water tracker, food tracker, sleep tracker and even handwash tracker. In addition, users also get access to no-equipment home workout videos that include full-body workouts and yoga workouts.

Calorie Counter MyFitnessPal
This app takes care of your food and drink. This is an app that helps in reducing weight. The app tells you what to eat and what not to eat. It has a database of more than 60 lakh food products. Apart from this, it has many other features like Food Insight, Restaurant Logging, Recipe Importer, Calorie Counter.