Goodbye Cyberpunk 2077! I’m finally playing what is probably the best cyberpunk series on a console

The Shadowrun Trilogy is finally coming to consoles.

The Shadowrun Trilogy is finally coming to consoles.

The Shadowrun Trilogy is finally coming to consoles.

With the Shadowrun Trilogy, consisting of Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut and Shadowrun: Hong Kong – Extended Edition, one of the best cyberpunk franchises finally comes to consoles. The games may not come close to Cyberpunk 2077 graphically, but they are based on what is perhaps one of the best Cyberpunk series ever and could even outshine CP 2077.

  • When is the Shadowrun Trilogy out? The three games will be released together on June 21, 2022 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch.

Cyberpunk meets magic in Shadowrun

Some Cyberpunk 2077 fans may not be aware of it, but the dystopian setting around Night City is actually based on a tabletop RPG called Cyberpunk 2020. As a cyberpunk enthusiast and TTRPG player, CP2077 should actually be perfect for me – if there were not another cyberpunk TTRPG that has already stolen my heart.

We’re talking about Shadowrun, which not only comes up with an atmospheric, dystopian setting, but also delivers a rather unique mixture of cyberpunk and fantasy. Orcs and elves meet here under neon signs, while magicians attack a mega-corporation with hackers.

The three titles of the Shadowrun Trilogy convey exactly this feeling. The classic RPGs focus on the dystopian story, player decisions and turn-based combat. You can see what that looks like in the trailer for the console version:

The Shadowrun Trilogy is coming to Xbox, PlayStation and Switch for the first time


The Shadowrun Trilogy is coming to Xbox, PlayStation and Switch for the first time

What’s new in the console version: Although the graphics are a bit dated, the edition for consoles still gets some improvements. So we should expect highly scaled graphics, improved performance and controller-optimized gameplay.

Editorial opinion

Elen Reinke

Shadowrun is probably one of my favorite TTRPG systems. Because while it’s outrageously complex, it also gives me great opportunities to create my very own “Runner” character and interact with the cool yet dangerous world of Shadowrun.

And the games in the Shadowrun Trilogy also transport this feeling. So if you’re interested in cyberpunk, I can only recommend that you don’t be put off by the somewhat outdated graphics. Because the trilogy contains three RPG pearls that don’t need next-gen graphics to suck you into a dystopian future – just with a pinch of magic.