Lost Ark brings a new class in May – Coming straight from Korea with big rework

Lost Ark Destroyer Roxx

The Destroyer will be the next class to be released in the MMORPG Lost Ark. It’s supposed to be out in May. In Korea, the Destroyer was last completely revised in April 2022. Now it is clear that we will even get the better version of the class directly.

What class is this? The Destroyer is a Warrior and tends to be one of the slower classes, although not as slow as the Pistollance. You swing a huge war hammer and charge Gravity Cores with your attacks, which you use up with other skills.

With his second special ability, you can slow down enemies around you and reduce their attack speed.

The Destroyer is one of the strongest DPS classes in Korea and also got a rework that made it even stronger.

When is the Destroyer coming to us? According to the roadmap, the release of the new destroyer class is planned for May. There is speculation in the forum that it will be introduced with the weekly patch on May 19th. However, there is no official statement on this yet.

In this video you can see the Destroyer in action:

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The west gets the destroyer straight with major rework

What’s the deal with the rework? In Korea, the Destroyer recently received a major overhaul. The class as a whole became significantly stronger:

  • Randomness has been removed from its mechanics around the Gravity Cores. While there used to be a chance to get an additional second core, many abilities now directly award two gravity cores each.
  • In line with this, many skills have now been given additional effects, some of which even increase the slow attack speed.
  • Some mechanics required correct positioning on the boss. These have been removed so that you now have more freedom.
  • The class got a taunt.

Overall, these changes are seen as a big buff for the class.

Do we get the better version directly? Yes. The confirmed Community Manager Roxx in the official forum (via LostArk). Some also see the lack of contradiction with the statement that the classes are coming on May 19th (title of the thread) as an indirect confirmation of the class’s release date.

Lost Ark Destroyer Roxx

That goes down really well with the players. Not only are they looking forward to the class, but they’re thrilled that the balance changes are being implemented in such a timely manner.

However, many players now also want adjustments for their favorite classes. Because some of them have also experienced major changes in Korea that have not yet been adopted in the West.

Are you looking forward to the Destroyer? Or are you waiting for another class? And which class do you think needs an overhaul? Feel free to write it in the comments.

Here you can find information about all the classes that already exist in Korea but not yet in the West:

There are 6 more classes coming to Lost Ark over the next few months – they can
