MeinMMO Quiz: Find out which typical NPC from MMORPGs you would be

annoying mmorpg features header

There are some NPCs in almost every MMORPG. Which one would you be? Test it in our quiz!

What is this about? MMORPGs often give us the option to take on the role of a hero. Whether it’s a chosen one or just a random adventurer, we’re at the center of the storyline, adventuring and, at the end of the day, saving the world.

But what if we were normal NPCs instead? MMORPG worlds are inhabited by many different characters who all have their jobs, no matter how small and insignificant they are. Without them, the games would just be missing something.

So if you weren’t the heroes or the villains, who would you be? What typical role would you take on as an NPC in an MMORPG?

We created a whimsical personality quiz for just that. Answer the questions below and find out.

Which legendary MMO villain are you? Take our quiz

How does the quiz work? In this quiz you have to answer 10 different questions that revolve around your personality as an NPC. You can vote for the answers that would suit you best.

Each answer awards one point for different end results. At the end these points are added up and you get your answer.

We all know the NPCs represented in this quiz. You meet them in almost every MMORPG and some of them the players really can’t see anymore. But they are still an integral part of the MMORPG worlds.

Note that you cannot take back your answers once they have been submitted. If you want to make a different decision, you have to start the quiz all over again.

If you want to take the quiz more than once, it’s best to refresh the page.

Post in the comments what results you got!

Have fun!

Where can you be found in the game?

What is your official role in the game?

What clothes do you wear as an NPC?

What’s your backstory?

What do you do when the players aren’t looking?

If you could rather be a different NPC than you are, which one would it be?

If you could say one thing openly to the player, what would it be?

Imagine: An addon is coming and you get a new quest series. What will this be about?

Oh no! Your game will be suspended. What do you think about this?

Which NPC in an MMORPG would you be?

You are the NPC with the most annoying fetch quests

annoying mmorpg features header

An MMORPG without NPCs with annoying quests wouldn’t be a real MMORPG. That’s why your role in the game is much more important than most players and even developers would admit. As the NPC with the most annoying fetch quests, you’re sort of a defining aspect of the genre. You are often hated more by the players than the actual antagonists and you enjoy every moment of it. Any annoyed player who arrives at your place after traveling across world history and turns in the desired (and useless) item puts a smile on your face: “You have my heartfelt thanks, brave adventurer. If it wasn’t for that orange juice, I might have died… But what am I looking at? The straw is missing. Wouldn’t you be so kind as to fetch it for me? I’m sure there are still some in the shop down the road!”

You are the dealer who buys all the junk from the players

npc quiz dealer

As a trader in an MMORPG you are definitely one of the most powerful, most hardened and at the same time traumatized NPCs ever. You have seen things that few mortals have otherwise been allowed to see. Because the items that adventurers sell you on a daily basis are out of this world. antimatter? No problem, there are a few dozen in the corner. Body parts of bizarre deities? Yop, in the barrel over there. Weapons that could destroy the world? In the storage room down the stairs. And those are the harmless things that the adventurers sell to you in industrial quantities every day. Sometimes you wonder where they got all this stuff from. Where can you get over 700 demon middle fingers in an hour? But you drive the thought away again very quickly. You really, really don’t want to know.

You’re the coach nobody listens to

npc quiz trainer

You are a legendary fighter. The master of your craft who has honed and honed his skills for years. Being able to see you in a fight is an honor for many and an insight they will not soon forget. Accordingly, you had decided to spend your twilight years passing on your experience to a new generation of fighters. That’s why you became a coach. Your knowledge will eventually help them out of a difficult situation and even save their lives. You thought so. It’s just a pity that all these players wouldn’t dream of listening to you. Pff, like they have time for your long explanations. Skip, skip, skip and let the adventure begin! You can also read the skill descriptions later. Perhaps.

You are the princess who keeps getting kidnapped

npc quiz princess

A life like you would lead as an NPC in an MMORPG could easily be wished for in the real world as well. Royal palace, luxury, light-heartedness and an army of servants to anticipate your every need. Wouldn’t that be a small problem. You are the princess who keeps getting kidnapped. You’re actually not that screwed up or particularly careless. Usually. You just have the misfortune to be the only and beloved daughter of the local king. And Daddy would do anything to get his little darling back safe and sound. Accordingly, one can now set the clock based on the regularity of your kidnappings. And you’re also pretty sure there’s a diary somewhere that your kidnappers have to sign in order to stay out of each other’s way. How considerate of them.

You are the henchman of the evil master who always escapes

Team Rocket Pokemon GO

Your evil laugh is incomparable and your nasty plans have elegance, even if they rarely work out. Because you are the henchman of the main villain in MMORPGs who always escapes. Your powerful plot armor protects you from the swords and magic of the players and ensures that they can never catch you. You’re actually not that powerful. But your role gives you the ability to piss off the players so much that it puts you almost on the same level as the Fetch Quest NPC. And that’s great. And if your brilliant plan was ruined by the players again, it’s not that bad. Because next time you’re going to really show them. They will crawl on their knees before you and ask for forgiveness. Muahahahahaha!

You’re the NPC who always gets killed first

Fallout 76 player wishes dead title

As sorry as we are, we have to tell you that your career as an NPC in an MMORPG would be a very short one. Because you are the NPC who dies first every time. And it’s not even your fault! You are a careful NPC, never go to the dangerous areas and have a safe profession. Unfortunately, you’re so unlucky that you’re always the first to get hit. Be it a magical accident or a robbery in the middle of the city. But don’t mind. Your death has meaning. He is usually the trigger for larger events where many more other NPCs will die and keep you company in the NPC afterlife. So cheer up, it’s nothing personal.

You are the annoying escort NPC

npc quiz escort npc

It will probably remain a mystery forever why the developers put NPCs like you in their MMORPGs. Maybe it’s naive ignorance how much it gets on the players’ minds. Maybe it’s pure sadism. But that’s the way it is: You are an escort NPC. Day in and day out you stand at your designated spot and wait for unsuspecting players to accept your escort quest. The task sounds simple, the reward is tempting. What players don’t know is that at the first opportunity, you’ll jump straight into the largest group of opponents like an Olympic high-diving champion. And if they don’t manage to save you from death after a long fight, they can start all over again. cool right?

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