Now for free: Michael Hengst has had enough of all the negativity – News

Now for free: Michael Hengst has had enough of all the negativity - News


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Games producer Michael Hengst takes a look at the industry and the community
Michael Hengst used to be a full-time game tester. He has now been working independently in the games industry for over 20 years and oversees games in functions such as release manager, project manager and producer. In his monthly column The Stallion Chronicles looks he addresses everyday problems behind the scenes of game development, talks about unusual facets of our favorite hobby or rummages through his wealth of anecdotes. Now read episode 37 of the Hengst Chronicles for a short time free of charge. In it, Michael advocates less arguments and whining on any topic because even if it’s a fantastic release month Elden ring and Horizon – Forbidden West promises something positive mood as a contrast to world events, Michael finds a surprising amount of resentment and madness when looking at the forums.

Click here and read the free edition of the Hengst Chronicles

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