This Na’vi cosplay from Avatar is at one with nature

This Na'vi cosplay from Avatar is at one with nature

Although the Avatar franchise has so far only consisted of a single film, namely the blockbuster released in 2009 Avatar: Departure for Pandorathere is a billion-dollar business behind the universe of the blue aliens: it is not for nothing that the film competes with Avengers Endgame regularly for the title of the most successful film of all time.

In the meantime, the franchise has two new opportunities to grow even further: On December 16th Finally, this year, Avatar: Way of the Water will be released continuation to the successful film. In addition, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is a video game implementation, which should also be released by the end of the year or by March 31, 2023 at the latest. So Avatar fans have every reason to look forward to the return of the blue aliens.

Body paint instead of a blue suit: This Na’vi cosplay from Avatar is artistically talented

Whether you show this joy by repeatedly watching the sequel trailer, which is not the only reason why it achieved an incredible number of clicks in the first 24 hours after release, or yourself in the blue shell of the pandora resident throws is of course up to each fan himself. Reddit user rednamrahC has in any case opted for the latter and has done a great job.

Instead of a classic cosplay with a tailor-made suit, she preferred to put her own hand on her body and paint it with a lot of paint. With the help of so-called body paint, RednamrahC covered her entire upper body, including her face, with artistic blue lines and such Na’vi from Pandora brought to life.

The photo on Reddit proves how much work goes into this Cosplay is: In addition to the pointed, even lines, which differ from the brighter rest, the white dots in particular are impressive. The final touch gets the Avatar implementation through the pointy ears, colored contact lenses and thick black hair.

Interesting cosplays without body paint

Even if a Bodypaint Cosplay is more than impressive, many home dressmakers prefer to rely on more traditional implementations. This cosplay of Force user Rey from Star Wars, for example, authentically recreates the film heroine’s outfit and thus brings the Jedi Knight to us in reality.