Sequels We’d Give An Arm For Part 2: Command & Conquer 5, Last Guardian 2 & FreeSpace 3

Sequels We'd Give An Arm For Part 2: Command & Conquer 5, Last Guardian 2 & FreeSpace 3

Here is part two of our most-desired sequels (read part one here: The World Needs Our Sequels Part 1: Wing Commander 6, Daytona 3, Grim Fandango 2, and Wipeout 2037). This time it’s even going to be a little more exotic, which I find exciting. I’m almost a little ashamed for taking something as obvious as Wing Commander. Then again: I’m Alex and I can’t help myself. And maybe in 2022 it won’t be so obvious anymore. Does anyone still know Wing Commander?!

At the end, as always, it’s your turn: write in the comments which improbable sequel you’re pining for, if you haven’t already done so last week. Maybe you just didn’t dare to write recently that you think a Duke Nukem Forever 2 is long overdue. Or have you thought of a few more since part one that you would like to inform us about? There are no wrong answers (although Duke Nukem Forever 2 is pushing the limits.

Haunting Ground – Ana

I’d like the sequel to what I think is the better Resident Evil game (*Shock! Gasp! Screech!*): Haunting Ground. Yes, a daring thesis, but it’s actually just a hook so you don’t keep scrolling right away. Namely, the only comparison that can be drawn between the games is that they are both from Capcom. The survival horror game came out in 2005 and was actually my reason for buying a PlayStation 2. It’s about the young Fiona Belli, who lost her parents after a car accident and wakes up locked in an unknown castle. The residents are anything but well-disposed towards her and the defenseless Fiona has to flee as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, these crazy and armed people stand in her way: the gardener, the housekeeper, the guard and the castle owner. The gameplay consists mainly of sneaking, running or hiding. Later you will find Fiona’s dog, who can support you at least a little. With the help of puzzles, pieces of text or objects, you will also gradually learn what the castle is all about.

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The atmosphere created in Haunting Ground has not, in my opinion, been skillfully replicated in any other game. Also, no zombies or other monsters were needed to create a lasting fear. For a possible sequel, which can also be a prequel, I’ve always wanted a focus on another character of the castle – I actually mean the housekeeper Daniella. Because she had by far the most exciting characterization of all and an incredibly good theme song. In general, both the music and the animations were extremely good. I like to remember the experience. If the music, the style and the dense atmosphere were also retained (attention, Capcom!) and the game was technically optimized for the current generation, the Haunting Ground, which was underestimated at the time, could not only work extremely well as a horror game today, it would also bring it back a breath of fresh air in the segment.

Command & Conquer 5: Red Alert Generals – Markus

Oh yes, Command & Conquer (looks touchy-feely into the distance). If any game series deserved a good sequel, it would have to be C&C. And no, C&C Rivals and C&C Tiberium Alliances for mobile don’t count (I don’t acknowledge their existence). Aside from World of Warcraft I probably haven’t spent more time in any other game. If you add up all parts of the series from 1995 to 2010, that certainly surpasses the 1180 game days in WoW.

The remaster has once again made it clear how much a no-frills real-time tactics game is currently missing.

With Command & Conquer (aka C&C Generals 2) we were actually on the right track in 2013, despite some points of criticism. I liked the alpha quite a bit and even if I was a little strange with the concept of a free-to-play C&C, I could have made friends with it. It didn’t get that far, however, because EA pulled the plug shortly afterwards and closed Victory Games – according to EA because of negative feedback about the too much economy-based game mechanics, according to unknown employees of Victory Games because of company policy and dubious machinations.

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Do you prefer it to be more realistic or overdrawn like in the old titles?

One way or another I would like a worthy continuation for the series. If I could choose, I would prefer a mix of Red Alert and Generals. Red Alert for its story and Generals for its more realistic visuals and game mechanics. I definitely don’t want a game where you get micromanaged (I already have WC3 and SC for that) because that has never been a core aspect of Command & Conquer.

The Last Guardian 2—Melanie

After much deliberation, I decided on The Last Guardian 2. I, too, owned a PlayStation for a short time and embarked on a mysterious journey of puzzles with the little boy and a Godzilla-sized dog-cat-griffin mix. Together we have grown and become stronger. Few words were exchanged and the history of the ruins and the mysterious people only touched upon. Lets go on we can do it better. Especially those who know the end know that there are still a lot of unanswered questions and untold stories that would be worthy of a sequel.

Yes, in itself the story between boy and feathery canine friend can be considered closed, but the world offers so much material for more. Where does the canine come from? What is his world like? Will the two protagonists have further adventures together in a future however far away? Maybe from the point of view of the winged dog? I could also imagine co-op where one player plays the boy and the other plays Trico – a bit like It Takes Two. Also, I wouldn’t mind a scenario where the fights are more in the foreground, Trico would wear fancy armor and his rider might swing a weapon himself, instead of first urging his companion to attack with a beam of light.

How I would like to swap places with the boy to ruffle through Trico’s feathery fur.

Above all, I want to see more of those feathery flying foxes and solve more mysteries. After all, not disappointing Trico was my greatest motivation and connected my gray matter with my protective instinct – at least I haven’t gotten enough of his dog eyes yet. Speaking of seeing: Imagine the title with the graphical possibilities of the PS5… Then developed in the UE5. Preferably also for the PC. Unfortunately, Fumito Ueda isn’t exactly known for lending sequels to his games, but one can dream a little, right?

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FreeSpace 3 – Benjamin Jakobs

Wing Commander would be an obvious choice for me, but Alex has already grabbed it. So I’ll pick one of the other great space action games of the golden age that I can still think of a thing or two from. Regardless, FreeSpace 3 is a sequel that I feel is long overdue. Developer Volition is still busy, albeit more busy with Saints Row these days. But if you could find time for a FreeSpace 3 in between, I’d be right there.

Great optics, great gameplay, famous space battles. That’s what made FreeSpace parts one and two stand out, without being a simple clone of Wing Commander. While FreeSpace lacked personality compared to Origin’s space adventures, it managed to create a believable military vibe. I’ve always loved flying around with numerous other fighters among all the big spaceships firing powerful energy beams, missiles, anti-aircraft guns and more. For me, that was one of the best ways to bring to the screen the feeling of moving as a small part of a larger whole in the midst of a large-scale battle. Think of all the little fighters that zip between the bigger ships in Star Wars (Episode 6) or Babylon 5. A bit chaotic, but it was always exciting chaos. I think that sums up space battles like this best.

Not incredibly strong in character, but absolutely epic: FreeSpace 2.

To be able to experience something like this again with modern technology, that would be a small dream for me. Not that I would give it much of a chance, but maybe at some point someone who has something to say about it will think that it might be a good idea. One of the best white space action games of all time definitely deserves a sequel, or do you see it differently?