Marvel’s Thor 4: Who’s Playing Hercules? Actor and scene explained

Marvel's Thor 4: Who's Playing Hercules?  Actor and scene explained

After a long wait, the crowd’s favorite comes forward Chris Hemsworth in his signature role as the thunder god with his next film des Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) back: Thor: Love and Thunder has been released in cinemas and is already thrilling fans worldwide as the fourth solo adventure of the Avengers.

In addition to many well-known comrades-in-arms, fans can look forward to seeing a well-known companion and new comrade-in-arms again. Thor’s ex-girlfriend Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) is back and may as female thor now his beloved Hammer Mjolnir swing. Our Movie review you can read here.

Brett Goldstein becomes Hercules

But that’s not the only surprise in the new superhero spectacle: in addition to many known characters and deities from Olympus, including the Almighty Father of the gods Zeusthere is another representative of the Greek saga of gods: Hercules makes its debut in the MCU!

If you want to see the new hero in the new “Thor” film, you have to stay seated until the end, because Hercules only has one Mid credit scene his appearance. The new hero is played by Brett Goldstein, making his debut in the MCU and from the Comedy series “Ted Lasso” should be known on Apple TV+.

Brett Goldstein in the Apple comedy Ted Lasso © Apple TV+

Who is Hercules?

In the Greek saga of gods, Hercules/Hercules (also known as Herakles) is a mighty hero renowned for his strength and given divine honor. He is none other than Zeus sonwho cast an eye on the married Alcmene and fathered a son with her.

Fearing the revenge of Zeus’ wife Hera, the child was abandoned and ended up as a foundling in the hands of the unsuspecting Hera, who herself Hercules accepts and with her divine milk supernatural powers awarded. As an adult, Hercules messed around with his exploits a name and eventually became included in Olympus.

Hercules in Marvel Comics © Marvel

Hercules made an early appearance in the Marvel Comics. It first appeared in Young Allies #16 in 1945, then still in the Marvel forerunner Timely Comic. So technically, Hercules has been in the Marvel Universe much longer than, say, Thor, who has been credited with the position of friendly rival.

In the course of Marvel Comics dived Hercules featured in almost every superhero story, from Thor and the Avengers to Wolverine and the X-Men. He was also romantically involved with Gilgamesh from the Eternals. In the MCU, on the other hand, the fans’ wishes for Hercules’ debut have been heard for a long time, which is only now being revealed Thor 4 was heard.

spoiler alert

Hercules Scene Explained: Will Hercules Become Thor’s Enemy?

The story first begins with Gorr the God Butcher (Christian Bale) kidnapping the Asgardians children of New Asgard. Thor rushes to the rescue with his team Mighty Thor, Korg and Valkyrie and enlists Zeus (Russell Crowe) to help him in his quest. Yet Zeus refuses Thor’s requestwhich eventually leads to a fight between the two and Zeus supposedly dies in the process.

In said post-credit scene Zeus plots revengesince he was severely injured by Thor, and sends his son Hercules to slay the thunder god. He should ensure that people believe in gods and not in superheroes.

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Will there be a Hercules reunion in the MCU?

In a recent interview, Thor director Taika Waititi explains the decision about the Cast Hercules and revealed that Goldstein was handpicked as Hercules by Marvel boss Kevin Feige himself:

“Kevin [Feige] really wanted him to do it and yes Brett is great. He is great. And it was such a cool moment in cinemas when its first release was shown and the fans and moviegoers reacted enthusiastically to it. It was great to see.”

About the Future of Hercules in the MCU The experienced Marvel director is positive. He himself could not reveal anything about how a reunion with Hercules will come about, after all it is not in his hands. But he is convinced that Hercules in one of the next Marvel productions should be there:

“I don’t know if that has to do with Thor or if it has to do with how this is going to play out. Because obviously Hercules can also be found as a character in the Marvel Comics. Yes, it will be interesting to see what Hercules’ future holds in the MCU. Kevin is obviously the mastermind pulling all of these threads and will somehow converge them to see how they meet, mix and match. So I’m curious to find out for myself.”