Pokémon GO: Promo codes for the World Cup event, you have to redeem them quickly!

Pokémon GO: August 2022 promo code - many more

Niantic distributed Pokemon Go Promo Codes. In several live streams you can follow the best players at a World Cup tournament in London up close on your home screen – and get one or two extras. The first Stream is on Twitch already live, tomorrow and on Saturday further transmissions will start at 9:45 a.m. German time. You should keep an eye on the chat of the streams, because the developers regularly put promo codes in there, one of them Limited Research “Team Spirit” unlock.

Codes for a Timed Research

“All Trainers who redeem the code from the Twitch stream will receive an exclusive Limited Research, introducing them to combat and encountering selected Pokémon so they can assemble a PvP-ready team for the Super League,” writes Niantic . You can choose from different reward encounters. Ariados, Pelipper and Galar-Flunschlik are available for team variant 1, Sumpex, Panzaeron and Piondragi for team variant 2, Fiaro, Bisaflor and Apoquallyp are waiting for you for team variant 3 – partly also in the shiny version.
