WoW WotLK Classic Dungeon Guide: Drak’Tharon (Normal/Heroic)

Your route through Drak'Tharon

The Keep of Drak’Tharon is located between Grizzly Hills and Zul’Drak in WoW WotLK Classic, and while you can only get hold of quests in Grizzly Hills itself, the flight point of the Light’s Breach is in Zul’Drak the closest. Do your heroes between level 74 and 76 feel like being trolled? Then you are in good hands in Drak’Tharon! We’ve refreshed our guide to bosses and trash for the upcoming release of WoW WotLK Classic!

Your route through Drak'Tharon

Your route through Drak’Tharon

Source: buffed

The default enemies in DrakTharon consist primarily of the following villains:

  • groups out Scourge Reviver, Soul Mage, and Drakkari Warrior: Take care of the soul mages first, as they will summon a void zone that will take a fair amount of damage. Then take apart the warriors and finally the reanimators.
  • ghouls: The ghouls deal significant melee damage, so take ghouls out of combat with enemy control, especially in larger groups.
  • Poison Belch: The tank turns the Poison Belps away from the group to spare them the damage of the frontal, cone-shaped attacks.
  • Be crazy: When the crawlers are low on health, slow or stun them so they don’t call for reinforcements.
  • Drakkari Bats and Field Mouse Riders: The Horsemen cast a curse that increases melee damage on the cursed by 500 points. Removes the curse if you have an escaper in the party.
  • Risen Guide and Drakkari Sickleclaw: The riders immobilize you with nets and target you with ranged attacks. The raptors, on the other hand, have no special attacks.
  • groups out Drakkari Shamans and Commanders: Dismantle the shamans first so they don’t heal. Watch out for the commanders’ whirlwind attack.
  • Risen Drakkari Death Knight: The death knights will occasionally apply silence and fear effects to you. Therefore pull them back to a safe distance from possible other opponents if you don’t want to do a mass pull.

This undead troll is especially dangerous for the tank because of the high damage in close combat. Infected Wound disease increases Trollgrind’s attacks; remove them if possible. Occasionally, three Drakkari invaders with about 2,000 hit points will join the fight. Reaching the boss will increase his stacking Consume buff. Therefore, kill the attackers preemptively. Stay away from their corpses, however, as Trollgrind will shatter them with a corpse explosion. Therefore, the tank should occasionally drag the troll to a safe zone with no corpses to avoid unnecessary damage to the group.

Trollgrind packs a mighty punch

Trollgrind packs a mighty punch

Source: buffed

In the Heroic variant of Drak’Tharon, Trollgrind remains unchanged. Kill him as quickly as possible to avoid taking damage from consuming him.

Before you take on Novos – whose fight is similar to that of Lady Vashj in the Serpent Shrine – you must fend off a band of undead. The Lich Novos is protected by an arcane field that you should not enter or you will take unnecessary damage. During the fight, several opponents enter the room via the stairs and the two exits. In addition to ghouls, you will meet Crystal Weavers. As soon as you kill one of them, one of the four crystal pillars that keep the arcane field going goes out. Novos will randomly attack your party with his abilities during this phase – run away from the area he’s casting Blizzard on. If the field is deactivated, you take care of the remaining undead. The tank grabs the now vulnerable boss.

The encounter with Novos doesn’t really change in heroic mode either. Kill the crystal casters to make Novos vulnerable to damage and intercept the enemies on the stairs. Don’t enter the arcane field where the boss is.