Final Fantasy 14: Square Enix warns of hacker attacks, advises resetting the password

Final Fantasy 14: Square Enix warns of hacker attacks, advises resetting the password

Square Enix is ​​calling on Final Fantasy 14 players to be vigilant and to change their passwords.

“We are currently observing an attack by a third party attempting to gain access to the Square Enix Account Management System using a combination of email addresses and passwords that appear to have been obtained from other online services operated by other companies “, is it[called.

How to be on the safe side

Given this, users are advised not to use the same combination of email address and password across multiple services.

“If you are using the same email address and password for your Square Enix account as you are using another service, or a password that is easily guessable, we strongly encourage you to change your password immediately.”

Square Enix restricts access to accounts that are believed to have been compromised. Affected users will receive a notification by email.

“Should we continue to detect an increasing number of unauthorized access attempts, a password reset may be initiated for all Square Enix accounts. We would like to remind all users to take care of the security of their accounts in order to protect personal information and data. “