WoW: Wassertuskarr world quest – this is how you avoid the annoying bug

WoW: Dragonflight: All dragon glyphs in the large overview (2)

from Matthias Brueckle
The world quest Wassertuskarr in Dragonflight is currently bugged and is causing problems for some WoW: Dragonflight players. However, there is a possible solution that also allows you to zoom across the water and catch fish to make yourself popular with the Tuskarr of Iskaara!

In the Thaldraszus area in WoW: Dragonflight you can complete a world quest for a Tuskarr, which is not only a lot of fun, but also gives you reputation with the Tuskarr NPC faction of Iskaara. Water Tuskarr / Hydro Tuskarr. You can find these world quests near the dungeon entrance of Academy of Algeth’ar. But what do you have to do in the quest – and why is it frustrating some players?