Lost Ark: Summoner Official Class Preview from December Update

Lost Ark: Summoner Official Class Preview from December Update

In the coming week, more precisely: with the ID change on December 14, 2022, the December update of Lost Ark will go live. Perhaps the most exciting new feature is the summoner’s magician class, which summons elemental spirits and uses water, lightning and earth spells in combat. And that’s exactly what the new class is all about on the Lost Ark official website published preview articles. In the following we have summarized the most important findings for you.

Lost Ark: Loud Night – the trailer for the December update is here!

What does the summoner do?

Despite their delicate appearance, Summoners are a force not to be underestimated in battle. You can summon elemental spirits to fight for you. Each has their own special skills that allow a summoner to excel in any situation. With a powerful array of water, lightning, earth, and other unique attacks, the summoner is a welcome addition to the list of advanced mage classes available.
